Norfolk County Council school attendance website.

Our schools have a policy on promoting good and prompt attendance. Parents/carers arriving with children after 8.50am will be deemed late and should report to the school office on arrival. These ‘lates’  will go onto the child’s record and appear on their annual report. Those arriving after 9.00am, without a good reason, when registration has closed, are classified as being absent without authorisation.

Other Absences

Please inform the school in advance if possible as we cannot rely on verbal messages from your child.

Holidays during term time are strongly discouraged. Whilst ‘traditionally’ parents have taken children out of school in term-time for holidays, this is not an automatic right. Government directives state that permission for a child’s absence in term time should only be granted in ‘exceptional circumstances’. Therefore, parents should discuss the situation with Mrs. Allen before any holidays are booked. Holidays will not be authorised during term time, a form will need to be completed which is obtainable from the school office.

Attendance Policy

Please note that SATS week and other times when tests are being held in School should be times when every effort possible is made to ensure that children are present.